Canada · Corporation

Jurisdiction: Canada
Register: Corporations Canada

This dataset contains listing of 0.85m corporations incorporated with Corporations Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Each corporation is registered with the following information: corporation number, corporate name, office address (street address, city, postal code), current status, governing legislation, directors, annual filling dates, etc.

H1L · Search Result

Corporation Name Office Address Incorporation
10633593 Canada Inc. 323-825 Rue De Bruxelles, Montréal, QC H1L 0A8 2018-02-16
8601429 Canada Inc. 303 - 825 Rue De Bruxelles, Montreal, QC H1L 0A8 2014-03-01
Georges Khokaz Dentiste Inc. 7744, Rue Sherbrooke Est, Bureau 201, Montréal, QC H1L 1A1 2010-11-09
Choco & Sens LtÉe 7744 Sherbrooke Est, Suite 102, Montréal, QC H1L 1A1 2006-05-10
L'association Canadienne Des Victimes De La Thalidomide 7744 Sherbrooke Street East, Suite 102, Montreal, QC H1L 1A1 1988-04-20
8464090 Canada Inc. 7979, Rue Sherbrooke Est, MontrÉal, QC H1L 1A6 2013-03-18
Bibliodigit Lettres & Sciences 46-8275 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC H1L 1A6 2010-01-20
3660311 Canada Inc. 8235 Sherbrooke St East, Suite 76, Montreal, QC H1L 1A6 1999-09-10
4120566 Canada Inc. 7980, Rue Sherbrooke Suite 120, MontrÉal, QC H1L 1A8 2002-12-06
Sdlg Publications Inc. 7990 Rue Sherbrooke Est, App 110, Montreal, QC H1L 1A8 2000-05-02
4everfood Inc. 8465, Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal, QC H1L 1B3 2020-02-26
Clinique Dentaire Grenet Inc. 8465 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC H1L 1B3 1983-04-28
154627 Canada Inc. 8465, Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal, QC H1L 1B3 1987-04-06
Blossom Media Group Inc. 8507 Sherbrooke Est, Montréal, QC H1L 1B4 2019-11-09
Instalutions Inc. 8674 Shebrrooke Est, Montreal, QC H1L 1B9 2000-10-13
4364759 Canada Inc. 8705 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Suite 102, Montreal, QC H1L 1C1 2006-05-16
Serrumax Inc. 8805 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal, QC H1L 1C4
Live In Direct Inc. 2-9065 Sherbrooke-est, Montréal, QC H1L 1E1 2016-01-09
3319067 Canada Inc. 9200 Sherbrooke Street East, Suite 218, Montreal, QC H1L 1E5 1996-11-28
3436501 Canada Inc. 7817 De Teck, Montreal, QC H1L 1G7 1997-11-20
Ina Vittoria Inc. 1010 Rue Cherrier - App 1802, Montreal, QC H1L 1H8 2018-10-29
Productions Zazou Inc. 8693 De Teck, Montreal, QC H1L 1J7 1998-07-22
9177400 Canada Inc. 8843 Ru De Teck, Montreal, QC H1L 1K2 2015-02-04
Mpcr Groupe Inc. 8851a De Teck, Montreal, QC H1L 1K2 2014-07-21
Befox Reference Inc. 9052 Rue De Teck, Montréal, QC H1L 1K6 2011-08-26
Vula Services Inc. 7890 Rue Galibert, Montréal, QC H1L 1M8 2020-08-06
AffÛteuses Filex Inc. 8352 Rue De Marseille, Montreal, QC H1L 1P7 2000-10-01
Le Groupe Fa2l Inc. 8345, Rue De Marseille, Montréal, QC H1L 1P8
Gestion Jonathan Allard Inc. 8345, Rue De Marseille, Montréal, QC H1L 1P8 2015-04-10
Gestions Caestus Inc. 8950, Rue De Marseille, Montréal, QC H1L 1S4 2014-11-28
Hastati Holdings Inc. 8950 De Marseille, Montreal, QC H1L 1S4 2012-11-21
L R Multigestion Inc. 8902 Rue De Marseille, App.2, Montréal, QC H1L 1S4 1983-12-02
7904312 Canada Inc. 9093 Rue De Marseille, Montreal, QC H1L 1S9 2011-06-27
Secumetrix Inc. 9155 Rue De Marseille, MontrÉal, QC H1L 1S9 2001-04-30
3065600 Canada Inc. 9533 De Marseille, Montréal, QC H1L 1T7 1994-09-02
7339933 Canada Inc. 7765 Triest, Montreal, QC H1L 1V5 2010-02-25
Gestion Daniel BÉgin Inc. 8437 Rue Sainte-claire, Montreal, QC H1L 1X4 2009-12-21
Cryptaction Inc. 8675 Rue Sainte-claire, Montréal, QC H1L 1Y3 2017-12-13
A Imaging Inc. 7729 Pierre De Coubertin, Montreal, QC H1L 2B3 2020-11-06
Les Industries Akba Ltee 7900, Rue Pierre-de-coubertin, Montreal, QC H1L 2B6 1979-09-05
Consum Action Inc. 8215, Ave. Pierre De Coubertin, MontrÉal, QC H1L 2C4 1996-08-14
Talexa-micro Systems, Inc. 8605 Pierre De Coubertin, Montreal, QC H1L 2E7 2005-11-24
4078080 Canada Inc. 250 Scarlett Rd., Apt. 104, Toronto, Ontario, QC H1L 2G3 2003-02-10
Conseillers Industriels En Sante & Securite - C.i.s.s. Inc. 8847 Av Pierre-de Coubertin, Montréal, QC H1L 2G4 1986-07-09
6932088 Canada Inc. 7737 Hochelaga, Montreal, QC H1L 2K4 2008-02-28
3586901 Canada Inc. 7737 Rue Hochelaga, Montreal, QC H1L 2K4 1999-04-07
Gestion (pme) Gaby Mirza Inc. 7710 Hochelaga, Montreal, QC H1L 2K5 1988-05-11
Les Draperies De L'est Michel Lessard Ltee 8050 Hochelaga, Montreal, QC H1L 2L1 1983-09-22
Les Productions Salon Erotique International Inc. 8577 Hochelaga, Bureau 2, Montreal, QC H1L 2M2 1996-04-22
Église PentecÔtiste Unie À MontrÉal 8729 Rue Hochelaga, Montréal, QC H1L 2M8 2020-10-29
CafÉ Resto Gati Inc. 8865 Hochelaga, Montreal, QC H1L 2N3 1999-08-30
Administration J. A. Martel Inc. 9001 Rue Hochelaga, Montreal, QC H1L 2N6 1978-09-25
Cba Canada Chapter of Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association, Usa 3-9440 Rue Hochelaga, Montréal, QC H1L 2P6 2019-01-17
Axxium Vision Inc. 9494, Rue Hochelaga, Montreal, QC H1L 2P9 1984-12-31
Aid 4 Needs Ngo 8175 Rue A-a-desroches, Apt # 202, Montréal, QC H1L 2S3 2018-03-19
Le Prof De L'argent Inc. 9178 Ave Dubuisson, Montréal, QC H1L 2X1 2015-01-22
Marketing Propagis Inc. 8255 Rue Rameau, Montréal, QC H1L 2Y8 2010-10-12
Startupcoach Inc. 7720 Rue Tellier, Montreal, QC H1L 2Z4 2006-11-02
MinistÈres Avance Pour Les Nations 8082 Rue Tellier, Montreal, QC H1L 3A2 2006-07-06
117263 Canada Inc. 8602, Tellier, Montreal, QC H1L 3A7 1982-09-10
1ère Ligue Construction Inc. 8733 Rue Tellier, Montreal, QC H1L 3B3 2019-10-15
Rodania Canada Inc. 8765 Rue Tellier, Montréal, QC H1L 3B3 1947-12-04
7293071 Canada Inc. 8780 Tellier, Montreal, QC H1L 3B4 2009-12-09
6968040 Canada Inc. 8780 Rue Telier, Montreal, QC H1L 3B4 2008-05-01
4287975 Canada Inc. 8320 Baillarge, #1, Montreal, QC H1L 3C1 2005-06-16
L'agence Civil De Securite Technologique D'investigation Et D'intelligence Service A.c.s.t.i.i.s Inc. 8335 Baillarge #11, Montreal, QC H1L 3C2 2009-07-02
DÉpanneur Japina Inc. 8445 Rue Ontario, Montreal, QC H1L 3E7 2007-08-20
Les Produits Laitiers C. Forget Inc. 8445 Rue Ontario Est, Montreal, QC H1L 3E7 1990-07-19
11458892 Canada Inc. 8565 Rue Ontario Est Apt: A, Montréal, QC H1L 3G1 2019-06-11
Myriadchem Inc. 1932 Place Arthur - Buies, Montréal, QC H1L 3G3 1997-06-30
6759025 Canada Inc. 1971 Place Arthur Buies, Montréal, QC H1L 3G5 2007-04-23
6133860 Canada Inc. 1979, Place Arthur-buies, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3G5 2003-08-31
Numeram Inc. 2012, Pl. Arthur Buies, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3G6 2003-01-20
4336691 Canada Inc. 8284 A Arthur Buies, Montreal, QC H1L 3G7 2005-11-24
Nzeyimana Consulting Inc. 1818 Place Beauchesne, Montreal, QC H1L 3G9 2018-08-20
11423363 Canada Inc. 1818 Place Beauchesne, Montréal, QC H1L 3G9 2019-05-22
Ominum Inc. 1818 Place Beauchesne, Montréal, QC H1L 3G9 2020-05-25
Les Finances En 5 Minutes 1-8120 Rue La Fontaine, Montréal, QC H1L 3J2 2016-05-24
Les Ateliers Astral F. & L. Inc. 7751 Lecourt, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3J8 1981-01-22
Martin Gagnon Comptable Professionnel AgrÉÉ Inc. 7761 Notre-dame Est, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3K3 2009-06-16
Activa ébénisterie Architecturale Inc. 7761 Notre Dame Est, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3K3 1999-08-30
Jean-guy, Daniel Investissements Inc. 7761 Notre Dame Est, Montreal, QC H1L 3K3
3088961 Canada Inc. 7821 Notre-dame Est, Montreal, QC H1L 3K6 1994-11-22
11482025 Canada Inc. 11-8125 Rue Notre-dame Est, Montréal, QC H1L 3L1 2019-06-24
Afrogouvernance Expert-management Consultant Inc. 8125-10, Notre Dame Est, Montréal, QC H1L 3L1 2009-01-04
A.p.e.s. La Colombe Assistance Pour Enfant Atteint De S.s. La Colombe 8125 Notre-dame Est, Apt. 11, Montreal, QC H1L 3L1 2007-10-15
6218911 Canada Inc. 8125, Rue Notre-dame, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3L1 2004-04-08
La Maison Coffee & Co. Montréal. Inc. 8504 Notre-dame Est, Montréal, QC H1L 3L4 2016-03-04
Altago Inc. 8594 Rue Notre-dame Est, Montréal, QC H1L 3L6 2019-11-25
L Zhao Consulting Corp. 8546 Notre-dame E, Suite 202, Montreal, QC H1L 3L6 2015-06-18
Green Online Inc. 206-8540 Notre-dame St. Est, Montreal, QC H1L 3L6 2007-11-13
Metaxiom Inc. 8747 Notre-dame Est, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3M2 2002-05-02
7156162 Canada Inc. 9104 Notre-dame E, Suite 101, Montreal, QC H1L 3N2 2009-04-14
Vardinogiannis Institute Inc. 9417 Notre-dame St., Montreal, QC H1L 3N8 1988-06-10
Goncha Inc. 9517 Rue Notre-dame Est, Montréal, QC H1L 3P2 2020-11-02
Retramax Inc. 9647 Rue Notre-dame East, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3P7 2009-11-01
La Societe Immobiliaire Du Syndicat Canadien Des Officiers De Marine Marchande Ltee 9670 Notre Dame St. East, Montreal, QC H1L 3P8 1978-04-11
Electronique Raybel Inc. 9712, Notre-dame Est, Montreal, QC H1L 3R2 1981-01-21
Gestion Jeale Inc. 9756 Notre-dame Est, MontrÉal, QC H1L 3R4 2007-04-11
Manaste Inspection Quality Quantity (canada) Inc. 9756 Rue Notre-dame Est, Montreal, QC H1L 3R4 1995-06-21