P.F. Thisgaard Holding ApS

C/O Peter Frederiksen Thisgaard, Smedebakken 1A, Hjortshøj, Midtjylland, 8530, Denmark

P.F. Thisgaard Holding ApS is a business entity registered at Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), with entity identifier is 549300QA8CKZBI5ZCQ76. The registration start date is January 14, 2020.

Entity Overview

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 549300QA8CKZBI5ZCQ76
Legal Name P.F. Thisgaard Holding ApS
Legal Address C/O Peter Frederiksen Thisgaard
Smedebakken 1A
Headquarters Address C/O Peter Frederiksen Thisgaard
Smedebakken 1A
Legal Jurisdiction Denmark
Entity Status ACTIVE

Registration Authority

Registration Authority ID RA000170
Registration Authority Entity ID 31059488
Register Name Central Business Register
Centrale Virksomhedsregister
Responsible Organisation Name Danish Business Authority
Website danishbusinessauthority.dk
Country Denmark (DK)
Jurisdiction Denmark

LEI Registration

Managing Local Operating Unit (LOU) EVK05KS7XY1DEII3R011
Business Entity Data B.V. (GMEI Utility a service of BED B.V.)
Initial Registration Date 2020-01-14T15:32:00.000Z
Last Update Date 2020-01-14T15:32:00.000Z
Registration Status ISSUED
Next Renewal Date 2021-01-09T00:18:00.000Z
Validation Authority ID RA000170
Validation Authority Entity ID 31059488

Office Location

Headquarters Address C/O Peter Frederiksen Thisgaard
Smedebakken 1A
City Hjortshøj
Region Midtjylland (DK-82)
Postal Code 8530
Country Denmark (DK)

Entities with the same location

Entity Name Headquarters Address
BENDSTRUP INVEST ApS Mejlbyvej 606 , Hjortshøj
CN HOLDING AF 2002 ApS c/o Claus Nejland Virup Skovvej 47, Hjortshøj
THOMAS GINNERUP HOLDING ApS Hjortshøjvangen 92 , Hjortshøj
TINGHØJ 2000 ApS Tinghøjvej 57 , Hjortshøj
BGB HOLDING ÅBYHØJ ApS C/O Bjørn Bæk Skovager 20, Hjortshøj
MOGENS HOLMRIIS HOLDING ApS Højager 47 , Hjortshøj
HENRIK W. BENDIX RÅDGIVNING A/S Højager 69 , Hjortshøj
EJFA HOLDING ApS Virup Skovvej 93 , Hjortshøj
Andelsboligforeningen Præsteengen c/o Finn Schmidt-Petersen, Smedebakken 33 , Hjortshøj
GRØNNEGADE 69 ApS Gammel Møllevej 7 Todbjerg, Hjortshøj


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City Hjortshøj
Postal Code 8530

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Register Information

Register Name Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)
Jurisdiction Global LEI
Website www.gleif.org
Entity Count 586000

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