Global LEI · Legal Entity

Jurisdiction: Global LEI
Register: Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes over 586 thousands of legal entities registered with Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI), implemented by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). Each entity registration contains entity name, LEI, location, status, registration date, etc.

Chiyoda ku · investment · Search Result

Entity Name Office Address Start Date
55 Mid Duration Investment Grade Income Strategy B Fund 2020 (for QII Only) Marunouchi Trust Tower, Chiyoda ku, JP 2020-08-10
55 Mid Duration Investment Grade Income Strategy A Fund 2020 (for QII Only) Marunouchi Tower, Chiyoda Ku, JP 2020-06-24
55 Investment Grade Beta Fund 2020 (QII Only) Marunouchi tower, Chiyoda ku, JP 2020-06-24
55 European Investment Grade Beta Fund 2019 (QII Only) Marunouchi Trust Tower, Main 1-8-3, Chiyoda ku, JP 2019-04-15
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM S&P 500 ex Financials VII 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-11-09
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM S&P 500 ex Financials VI 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-11-09
UBP Investments Co., Ltd 11th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-09-12
Market Advantage Investment Fund F (for Qualified Institutional Investor Only) Marunouchi Trust Tower, Chiyoda Ku, JP 2018-08-08
Market Advantage Investment Fund F 2018-06 (for Qualified institutional Investor Only) Marunouchi Trust Tower, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-06-08
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM S&P 500 ex Financials V 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-05-02
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM S&P 500 ex Financials IV 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-05-02
55 European Investment Grade Beta Fund 2018 (QII Only) Marunouchi Trust Tower, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-04-10
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2018-01-12
Capital Investment Company of America Mother Fund 14th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-12-26
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM Dow30 Passive Fund 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-11-18
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM S&P 100 ex Financials Passive Fund 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-11-18
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM US Equity Passive Fund ex Financials 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-11-18
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM S&P 500 ex Financials JA Kyosai Bldg. 12F, 2-7-9,Hirakawacho, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-11-18
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM US Equity Passive Fund 12th Floor, Chiyoda Ku, JP 2017-11-16
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM DAX ex Financials Passive Fund III 12th Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-11-13
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM S&P 500 ex Financials II JA Kyosai Building. 12F, 2-7-9,Hirakawacho, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-10-18
Epic Partners Investments Co., Ltd. 32nd Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2017-10-17
NN Investment Partners (Japan) Co., Ltd. 22nd Floor, Chiyoda Ku, JP 2017-07-20
Market Advantage Investment Mother Fund Marunouchi Trust Tower, Chiyoda ku, JP 2015-11-05
NZAM Global Investment Trust - ZAP Nikkei225 Fund II 12 Floor, Chiyoda ku, JP 2014-04-26
Daiwa Capital Markets Investments Asia Limited GranTokyo North Tower, Chiyoda ku, JP 2014-01-27
PineBridge Investments Japan Co., Ltd. JA Building, Chiyoda ku, JP 2013-04-26
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM South East Asia Passive Fund 12F, Chiyoda ku, JP 2013-04-09
NZAM Global Investment Trust - NZAM DAX ex Financials Passive Fund 12F, Chiyoda ku, JP 2013-04-09
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (Japan) Co., Ltd Otemachi Financial City South Tower, Chiyoda Ku, JP 2013-02-01
DSBI - Global Investment Trust - TRP Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund 2-1, Kasumigaseki 3-Chome, Chiyoda ku, JP 2012-12-14