Global LEI · Legal Entity

Jurisdiction: Global LEI
Register: Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes over 586 thousands of legal entities registered with Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI), implemented by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). Each entity registration contains entity name, LEI, location, status, registration date, etc.

1096 HA · Search Result

Entity Name Office Address Start Date
1895 FONDS FGR - 1895 Aandelen Macro Opportunities Fonds Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2020-09-21
1895 Wereld Investment Grade Obligaties Fonds Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2020-08-14
1895 FONDS FGR - 1895 Wereld Bedrijfsobligaties Fonds Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2020-06-18
1895 Euro Obligaties Index Fonds Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2020-02-17
1895 Wereld Multifactor Aandelen Fonds Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2020-01-22
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund IX B.V. Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2019-01-24
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund 13 B.V. AMSTELPLEIN 1, Amsterdam, NL 2019-01-24
BA GSS International B.V. AMSTELPLEIN 1, Amsterdam, NL 2019-01-11
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund X B.V. Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2019-01-11
BAC Strategic Investments B.V. AMSTELPLEIN 1 REMBRANDT TO, Amsterdam, NL 2019-01-11
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund VI B.V. 27th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-08-09
Investments 2234 China Fund 1 B.V. 27th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-08-09
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund III B.V. 27th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-08-09
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund 11 B.V. 11th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-07-29
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund 16 B.V. 27th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-07-28
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund 18 B.V. 27th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-07-28
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund 17 B.V. 27th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-07-28
Acero Coöperatif U.A. 17th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-01-25
Acero C.V. 17th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-01-25
Acero Holdings II B.V. 17th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-01-25
Acero Holdings I B.V. 17th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2017-01-25
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund II B.V. 11th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2016-10-11
VermogensParapluFonds - LSV NA Managed Vol (EUR hedged) C/O Trustee VermogensParaplu B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2016-02-02
VermogensParapluFonds - Harris NA Concentr Eq (EUR hedged) C/O Trustee VermogensParaplu B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2016-02-02
Nomura Asia Holding N.V. 19th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2015-06-23
Societe Generale Bank Nederland N.V. Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2014-06-25
Herfsttafel Investments B.V. Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2014-06-24
Sogelease B.V. Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2014-06-24
Sogelease Films Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2014-06-24
GG Middle East B.V. Rembrandttoren, Amsterdam, NL 2014-05-29
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund VII B.V. Rembrandt Tower, Amsterdam, NL 2014-04-12
Aandelenfonds SP Japan C/O Stichting Bewaarbedrijf Blackrock, Amsterdam, NL 2014-02-25
BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V. 17 Hoog, Amsterdam, NL 2014-02-11
K Operations B.V. Rembrandttor, Amsterdam, NL 2014-02-07
UBS Bank (Netherlands) B.V. 30th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2014-02-07
Kering Netherlands B.V. Rembrandttoren, Amsterdam, NL 2014-01-23
Kering Holland N.V. Rembrandt Tower, Amsterdam, NL 2014-01-23
Kernic-Met B.V. Rembrandt Tower, Amsterdam, NL 2014-01-23
VermogensParapluFonds - Western AM International Government C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-13
VermogensParapluFonds - Rente & Valuta C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-13
VermogensParapluFonds - KCM Market Opportunity C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-13
VermogensParapluFonds - Schroders Global Corporate Bond C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-13
VermogensParapluFonds - IPM European Fundamental C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-13
VermogensParapluFonds - Dynamische Allocatie C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
VermogensParapluFonds - Emerging Markets Equity C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
VermogensParapluFonds - Emerging Core Fundamental C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
VermogensParapluFonds - DFA EM Value SmallCap C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
VermogensParapluFonds - BNPP Tactical Allocation C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
VermogensParapluFonds - BM NA Fundamental Equity C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
VermogensParapluFonds - Investec Real Return C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
VermogensParapluFonds - Aberdeen High Grade Low Duration C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2013-12-05
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund VIII B.V. 11th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2013-05-24
Investments 2234 Overseas Fund IV B.V. 11th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2013-05-24
Secured Asset Finance Company B.V. 11th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2013-05-24
Merrill Lynch B.V. 11th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2013-04-11
Stichting Bewaarbedrijf BlackRock - FGR European Equity Fund Amstelplein 1, Amsterdam, NL 2013-04-09
Investments 2234 Overseas Holdings B.V. 11th Floor, Amsterdam, NL 2013-02-13
BoA Netherlands Coöperatieve U.A. Rembrandt Tower, Amsterdam, NL 2013-02-13
Vijverpoort Huizen C.V. C/O Morgan Stanley, Amsterdam, NL 2012-12-19
VermogensParapluFonds - PIMCO Bond Opportunities Strategy C/O VermogensParaplu Beheer B.V., Amsterdam, NL 2012-11-26