Global LEI · Legal Entity

Jurisdiction: Global LEI
Register: Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

This dataset includes over 586 thousands of legal entities registered with Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI), implemented by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). Each entity registration contains entity name, LEI, location, status, registration date, etc.

L-1720 · Search Result

Entity Name Office Address Start Date
LuxATM Investments S.à r.l. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2020-09-22
Maco International S.A., SPF Rue Heinrich Heine 2, Luxembourg, LU 2020-05-13
Obsidian Investments S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2019-09-23
Tobel S.A. 6, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-10-08
Sterling Equity Partners S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-06-19
BEAURETOUR 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-05-23
Bario Participations S.A. 2, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-04-10
Humble Holdings S.A. 2, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-03-14
AltaOne Wimpole SCSp 2, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-03-01
Saravanos Group of Companies S.à r.l. 2, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-02-27
JEPARE S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-02-19
Humble Investments S.A. - SPF 2, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-02-06
Cadab Ventures S.à r.l. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2018-01-02
JENGA HOLDING S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
AMAKO S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
BIXUM S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
DUFFY Equities S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
DIRCO INVESTMENTS S.A. 6, Rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
WORLD EQUITIES INVESTMENTS HOLDINGS S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
MOG CAPITAL S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
TOUTATYSSE S.A. - SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
F.I.T. (Luxembourg) S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-19
Consolidated Lamda Holdings S.A. 6, Rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-12-11
AltaOne Eden SCSp 2, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-29
BESTEBREURTJE S.A. 6, Rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-28
GRANDMENT INVESTMENTS S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-28
Oakland Investment S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-16
WHITE TOWER S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-10
LINEA INVESTMENTS S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-08
LAPI INVESTMENTS S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-07
M.A.H. INVESTMENTS S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-07
Cambon Financière S.à r.l. 2, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-06
Victoire Investissement Holding S.à r.l. 2, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-06
TP Invest Holding S.à r.l. 2, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-06
Victoire Real Estate Investments S.à r.l. 2, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-11-06
Ancelle S.à r.l. 2, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-24
WALPIERRE S.A. SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-24
TENOR S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-23
LAKSHMI INVESTMENTS S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-23
Walmax S.A. SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-23
BAMBOLINI S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-21
ARBIB S.A. 6, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-21
KOSPIKUA S.A.,SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-18
BRICKS S.A. 6, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-13
NOXIMA Holdings S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-12
Werum Holding S.A., SPF 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-12
MNAC ADVISORY S.A. 6, Rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-10-10
Praxa S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-09-01
Permanent Investments S.A. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-08-23
BayView Investments S.à r.l. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-08-22
NewLine Investments S.à r.l. 6, rue Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2017-08-22
R Fintech Capital S.A. 2, Rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2016-10-29
Overlander Equities SCS 2, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2016-10-18
Amar Holdings SPF 2, rue Heinrich Heine, LUXEMBOURG, LU 2015-06-25
iTunes S.à r.l. 8, rue Heinrich Heine, Luxembourg, LU 2013-11-01