Skeimoplassen 2, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge
Phone: 61 21 45 57

STIFTELSEN SKJÅK FRIVILJUG SENTRAL is a business entity registered at Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities, Brønnøysund Register Centre, Norway (Enhetsregisteret, Brønnøysundregistrene, Norge), with entity identifier is 980090302. The registration start date is November 10, 1998.

Business Overview

Organization Number / Organisasjonsnummer 980090302
Organization Form / Organisasjonsform STI - Foundation (Stiftelse)
Business Address / Forretningsadresse Skeimoplassen 2
2690 SKJÅK
Municipality / Kommune SKJÅK - 3433
NACE (Nomenclature des Activités Économiques dans la Communauté Européenne) Classification 88.999 - Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c. (Andre sosialtjenester uten botilbud)
Institutional Sector / Institusjonell Sektor 7000 - Non-profit institutions serving households (Ideelle organisasjoner)
Registration Date / Registreringsdato 1998-11-10
Founding Date / Stiftelsesdato 1998-06-04
Telephone Number / Telefonnummer 61 21 45 57
Mobile Phone Number / Mobiltelefonnummer 90042055
Last Submitted Financial Statements / Sist_Innsendte_Årsregnskap 2018
Number of Employees / Antall Ansatte 4
Number of Employees Date / Antall Ansatte Dato 2020-02-12

Entity Status / Enhet Status

Status During / Under
Bankrupt / Konkurs No (Nei)
Voluntary Settlement / Avvikling Frivillig No (Nei)
Compulsory Liquidation or Compulsory Dissolution / Tvangsavvikling eller Tvangsoppløsning No (Nei)

Registration / Registrering

Registeret / Register Registered / Registrert
Business Enterprises Register / Foretaksregisteret No (Nei)
Value Added Tax Register / Merverdiavgiftsregisteret No (Nei)
Volunteer Register / Frivillighetsregisteret Yes (Ja)
NAV Aa-register / NAV Aa-registeret
Aa-register: Employers and Employees Register / Arbeidsgiver- og arbeidstakerregisteret
NAV: Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration / Arbeids- og velferdsforvaltningen (Ny arbeids- og velferdsforvaltning)
Yes (Ja)

Office Location

Address / Adresse Skeimoplassen 2
Postal Code / Postnummer 2690
City / Poststed SKJÅK
Municipality Number / Kommunenummer 3433
Municipality Name / Kommunenavn SKJÅK
Country / Land Norge

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Entity Name / Navn Office Address / Forretningsadresse Registration / Registreringsdato
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NORSK MOTORKLUBB AVD SKJÅK c/o Bernt Dahl Lundavegen 352, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 2010-08-10
MENTAL HELSE OTTADALEN Blåbærmyra 21, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 2009-11-25
LARS BRENNHAUG Skjåk solside 263, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 2017-08-07
BISMO ELEKTRO AS Geilen 2A, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 2012-02-04
LUNDADALENS BAKSIDE GRUNNEIGARLAG SA Nørdre Dalain 67, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 2013-10-15
H B BOLIG Hallgeir Bøye c/o Hallgeir Bøye, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 1995-02-20
HÅVARD HOLE Søre Hole Skjåkvegen 975, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 2007-07-26
HÅVE ROLV L HÅVE, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 1995-02-20
FRISVOLD MAGNE Skjåk Solside 718, 2690 SKJÅK, Norge 1995-02-20
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City / Poststed SKJÅK
Postal Code / Postnummer 2690
NACE Classification 88.999
City + NACE SKJÅK + 88.999

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Register Information

Register Name Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities, Brønnøysund Register Centre, Norway (Enhetsregisteret, Brønnøysundregistrene, Norge)
Jurisdiction Norway (Norge)
Entity Count 1140000

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