Singapore · Corporate Entity

Jurisdiction: Singapore
Register: Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), Singapore

This dataset includes over 1.46 million corporate entities (businesses, local companies, foreign companies, limited liability partnerships and public accounting firms) registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), Government of Singapore. Each entity registration contains entity name, unique entity number (UEN), location, status and creation date.


Entity Name Office Address Start Date Status
EQ TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD 3014A Ubi Road 1, #03-09/11, Kampong Ubi Ind'l Est, Singapore 408703 2008-09-10 In Liquidation - Compulsory Winding Up (Insolvency)
CARPOINT PROPERTIES 3014 Ubi Road 1, #02-322, Kampong Ubi Ind'l Est, Singapore 408702 2008-09-10 Cancelled
CHARLIE PRECISION ENGINEERING 3014A Ubi Road 1, #02-01, Kampong Ubi Ind'l Est, Singapore 408703 2008-09-10
SEE KEE FASHION WHOLESALER 3014 Ubi Road 1, #02-300, Kampong Ubi Ind'l Est, Singapore 408702 2008-09-10
SENG LEE EDIBLE OIL INDUSTRIES 3020 Ubi Avenue 2, #04-141, Kampong Ubi Ind'l Est, Singapore 408896 2008-09-10 Cancelled