United Kingdom (UK) · Company

Jurisdiction: United Kingdom (UK)
Register: Companies House, UK

This dataset contains listing of 2.4m companies incorporated with the Companies House, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom. Each entity is registered with the following information: company number, company name, address (street, post town, county, post code), category, SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code, etc.

SOUTH HARROW · design · Search Result

Entity Name Office Address
JN DESIGN AND BUILD LTD 25 Torrington Drive, South Harrow, HA2 8ND, United Kingdom
LJB DESIGN LTD 22b Park Mead, South Harrow, HA2 8NQ, United Kingdom
AJ DESIGN & CONSTRUCT SERVICES LIMITED 10, Holyrood Avenue, South Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 8TP