United Kingdom (UK) · Company

Jurisdiction: United Kingdom (UK)
Register: Companies House, UK

This dataset contains listing of 2.4m companies incorporated with the Companies House, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom. Each entity is registered with the following information: company number, company name, address (street, post town, county, post code), category, SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code, etc.

TANKERNESS · Search Result

Entity Name Office Address
BROUGH SERVICES LIMITED An Darrach, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QU, United Kingdom
CSL MARINE LIMITED Scarvataing, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QT, Scotland
CRAIGIE BUTCHERS LIMITED Hall of Yenstay, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QS
CLOUDNET IT SOLUTIONS LIMITED Quoygrew, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QR
GJC OFFSHORE LIMITED 3 Whitecrest Park, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QR
ST. MARY'S HOUSING LIMITED Millhouse, By Old Mill, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QS
SHEILA FLEET JEWELLERY Old Schoolhouse, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QT, United Kingdom
SHEILA FLEET JEWELLERY (RETAIL) LIMITED Old Schoolhouse, Tankerness, Tankerness, Orkney, KW17 2QT