This dataset includes 310 thousands business entities registered wtih Iowa State, Secretary of State. Each business is registered with legal name, type, effective date, registered agent name, principal office address, etc.
Entity Name | Office Address | Registered Agent | EffectiveDate |
F W Investments, L.l.c. | 882 Springbrook Drive, Hinton, IA 51024 | John B Anderson | 2005-06-13 |
Future Growth Investments, L.l.p. | 31202 Hwy K49, Hinton, IA 51024 | David A Howe | 2000-04-19 |
Elb Investments, L.l.c. | 25138 C60, Hinton, IA 51024 | John D Daniels | 2004-08-23 |
Odin Preferred Investments, L.l.c. | 25138 C60, Hinton, IA 51024 | John D Daniels | 2004-08-16 |
Absolute Investments, L.l.c. | 25138 C60, Hinton, IA 51024 | John D Daniels | 2002-11-20 |